Sunday, June 08, 2008

Weekend Shootout - Sailor Moon @ NYP Pt 1

The cast (L-R):
Xrys (Ami Mizuno), Sakana (Minako Aino), Yuan Yuan (Usagi Tsukino), Maria (Makoto Kino), Ringo (Rei Hino)

Last weekend I got the chance to do a Sailor Moon cosplay shoot at Nanyang Polytechnic. This session focused on the alter egos of the heroines in a school environment and the session started from noon and ended in the evening with many pictures taken and an entire week of processing, not that I'm complaining :)

So here goes the first batch of pix...

Waiting for Makoto...

Where is she?

Catching up with each other

Meeting up in the hallway

Sharing a light-hearted moment...

Mina: "Give me back my book!"
Usagi: "Pfft!"

Mina: "Nyah! Nyah!"
Usagi: "Hmph!"

"Woo... What's for lunch?"

"I want..."

"This one!"

"Time to dig in!"


[To be continued]


Anonymous said...

the sailor moons look erm... LOL

Anonymous said...

You guys are too cute for words.