Sunday, July 06, 2008

Weekend Shootout - Cosfest VII Super Henshin Day 1 Part 4

Final Fantasy: The Battle for the last bit of bubble tea...

Rawr! It was definitely a blast here at Downtown East on Day One of Cosfest VII. Here's the last batch of pix to wrap up the first day of mayhem :)

Up against the wall!

That's it for day one... Now on to day two!


Weekend Shootout - Cosfest VII Super Henshin Day 1 Part 3

More outdoor coverage of Day One of Cosfest VII: Super Henshin. The skies were truly testing out resolve with the intermittent rain but that didn't deter everyone from enjoying this mid year event.

Workmen on the rampage

As the rain poured down again everyone retreated back into the main tent where a huge crowd had gathered to take photos of a Sailormoon contingent.

[To be Continued...]