Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend Shootout - EOY Spark 2007 Pt 1

The weekend was a blast with Saturday being spent at the End-of-Year cosplay 2007 event called Spark. Held at the Singapore Expo, it was one hell of a gathering for anime and manga fans as well as consumers of pop culture. Hey, I'm not complaining since my friends and I had a field day snapping away...
With so many people dressed up for this event, it wasn't hard to locate the place since everyone was happy to point you in the right direction...

And of course, the welcoming committee...

"Erm, on second thoughts I think I'll pass on the free cavity search..."
It would have been foolish to try gate-crashing with the tight security...
As this guy found out, gatecrashing a cosplay event is deemed a serious and vile offence which warrants a hearing by the tribal council... Punishment includes public execution...While more severe offences are dealt with in a swift but effective manner.But of course, none of these minor events dampened the spirits of the happy campers... These guys arrived at the event in vehicular mode. Did they have to pay ERP?Hmm... Cosplayers sponsored by Coffee Bean?
(To be continued...)

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