Saturday, April 22, 2006

Thai Patriotism is No. 1!

Just returned from a business trip in Bangkok where I witnessed a true show of patriotism. I was returning to the hotel from meeting our business associates along one of the roads in Siam Square where the Hard Rock Cafe is located.

It was nearing 6pm when I passed one of the buildings which had a huge video screen which was blaring music videos and commercials. At exactly 6pm the Thai national flag appeared on screen followed by the national anthem and everyone within the vicinity stopped whatever they were doing, stood at attention and faced the screen. Even the motorists along that road slowed down. Once the anthem ended, the area resumed its bustling operations.

To me, this was totally unreal yet impressive as it showed how united and nationalistic the Thais are. Imagine doing this along Orchard Road using the video screen at Lido cineplex. Would Singaporeans be as patriotic as our Thai counterparts?

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