Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Can I update my pirated game?

Nowadays software pirates all very bold. Take for example one of customer service case that I handled. The person wrote in to feedback that he downloaded one of our mobile games which seemed to hang on his handset and asked if he could get the latest update from us.

Upon further probing, we found out that a very early version was downloaded and best of all, he claimed that he got it from a website that pirated this game of ours.
Damn thick-skinned, can tell us he got it for free and wanted an updated version from us.

So what did I do? Tell him to go fly kite what else?!


Non said...

just tell him to go ask the 'parallel importer' he got the game from! ha hah.

Anonymous said...

Tell him pir8cy is a federeal crime and ask him funk to off